Thu 02 Jan
AVOID AVOID AVOID WARNING WARNING!!! Sexy asian princess named Lucy - 19
(anaheim 100 west disney way)
° • :: .o°°• {{ 100% REAL }.o°°•O°.:ღ: •° (:HOT HAWAIIAN 100%)° • :ღ:.o°°•O°. {{COME PLAY} .o°°☆: •° - 18
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/Midland In/Out)
; ; 2 N A U G H T Y * G I R L S{ ASIAN & SNOW BUNNY} *(180- S P E C I A L S For 2) - 21
(Orange County {area})
▇♥▇▇♥▇ 40/ 60/ 120HR ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Great Skills ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Good Attitude ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Real Photos ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Satisfaction - 21
(Orange County, Buena Park , Anaheim - Beach Blvd 91fwy)
Ӝ̨̄♥ ☆ ♥̡Ӝ̨ ☆NÂUGHT¥ ☆ ♥̡Ӝ̨̄ ☆ ♥̡Ӝ̨ ♡ FREAK aLerT ♡█▆▆▅▃♥ 5 ☆★☆★☆ ◆♥█ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛ - - 25
(Midland / Odessa, midland incall)
👄💎LaSt DaY In ToWn 👄💎💰SpEcIaLS 💦All 💦DaY 🌍 InTeRnAtIoNaL 🌍 EsCoRT - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Your place)
MUST SEE- 100% REAL PICS 💕 I AM THE GIRL IN THE PICS- Me or its Free 100% E❌otic Play👯Mate - 20
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Incall Mid/Od Metro Area Outcall)
Jordan💋💥▀▄▀▄ 💓 💖█Upscαℓε 💎 ßεαuty█💝 😻Sexy ρℓαγℳᆀ 😻💓 Perfect ➓❤▄▀▄ CALL NOW!! - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
New ♡☆ Caucasian College Cutie → Lauren 4328030088 outcalls only - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Outcalls Only)
•★••★• cUUrvY •★• PeTitE •★• ALL NaTuRaL •★• sWeET N sPicY •★• ReAL PicS •★••★• - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/ 338 LOOP/ JBS)
(¯`★´¯) I____DO____IT ★ __W_A_Y ★ __B_E_T_T_E_R (¯`★´¯) - 20
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/midland)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) —*HOTT* —(( *BRUNETTE B0MBSHELL* )) ——(( *REAL PICS* )) **OPEN MINDED** - 20
** *** ☆☆☆ *** ** CLaSSy ☆ BUUsTy ☆ BOmBSHeLL ☆ ALL DaY SpECiALs ☆ CaLL Me!! ** *** ☆☆☆ *** ** - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa / 338 LOOP)
$$💗$ $** 120$$$ special ! ALLY here to please !! Sexy and soooo much fun !!! - 22
(Midland / Odessa, incall midland)
80$*Ebony💣B O M B S H E L L💣 🎀💗TopNotch Beauty👑 Nice Booty💋 Gorgeous Face🎀 Killer Smile💗🙌 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/Midland)
The Most Sought After Ladies in the World! Perfect 10 Ladies Need Only Apply. $12,000+ a week
(Midland / Odessa, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
New ★———————— *SUPER SeXy* ————— ExOtiC AsiAn BoMBsHeLL ——— VeRy FREAKY!★ - 20
(Northern Virginia, Fairfax InCall)
❇🔹B E A U T I F U L 🔹B L O N D E 🔹B O M B S H E L L 🔹❇ 100% REAL - 22
(Pasadena, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley)
★ [ --** $60 Specials **-- ] ★ INCALLS All Day _____ BUSTY BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL - 22
(Pasadena 210fwy)