Mon 27 Jan
chilli bowl race fans...Special 100 Ways To Show U I'm The BEsT♡NOTHING Is To LESS ... - 23
(Tulsa, south Tulsa)
_100 SPeCiALs_ SweeT & SExY BLONDE BoMbSHEll __ BrAiNs & BeAuTY! __ 100% REaL PiCS, 100% ReaL SWeET! - 22
(San Francisco, SFO)
come get your Rocks off with ABC!!! ALEXIS and BRANDY combined!!! 100special - 27
(Tulsa, tulsa and surrounding areas)
Brand NeW *As¡aN BaRbiE*NOT SoLd in SToReS★Upscale Provider.•*¨¨*•- :¦: - 22
(Oklahoma City, your place or mine)
♥ ♥ Ms Babydoll, Sexy, Erotic, Classy, Petite, Love To Make A Man Smile ♥ ♥ - 28
(Madison, (Discreet In/Out calls))
——————————————— ★—————B€§† ————— You —————Very Happy ! ———— —Sexxy —————★ ——————— - - 25
(Tulsa, tulsa/ok)
✯✯✯✯ 5☆ BBW ready AND waiting FOR you! $100 specials all night, well worth it!✯✯✯✯ - 28
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
$100 OutCall Special ★ HOT & SXY ★ NIC ★ - 19
♥ 100 Hhr Special ♥ Exotic Pleasure Awaits You ♥ Gorgeous Blonde Asian ♥ - 22
(East Bay, Castro Valley. Oakland. Dublin. Fremont)
Comfort Models is now Hiring incall & outcall Attractive Blonde's To work in Auburn Al great Money - 99
(Hiring now Auburn Al Blonde's, Memphis)
LOOK ► *¨¨*-:¦:* ELITE -:¦:-* InToXxXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE GODDESS*¨¨* - 21
100% ME ------ {{{{{ No nEeD tO LoOk aRoUnD }}}}} _____ LEXI_______ {{{{{ iS iN toWn }}}}}} ---- - 21
(San Ramon)
#⃣1⃣ Gentleman's CHOICE👑💎 5⭐️🌟🌟⭐️ Quality✔️✔️ Incall Only📞📞 Specials Specials Specials📞📞📞📞⌛️⌛️ - 22
(East Bay, Wherever you are)
BeAuTiFuL BrNtT! I am EvErYtHiNg YoUr LoOkInG For! CALL NOW! New NUMBER! 918-271-9383 - 24
(South Tulsa)
2 HR SpeCiaL! ReAdY For U NoW! Fun and ReLaxeD... Truth 918-277-4578 - 39
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
______*= [ *===* ___ 100 Incall Special 4 a Limited Time Only! ___ *===* ] =*_ - 27
(31st & Memorial)
♥ IM ** eXaCtLy ** WhAt ** YoU ** W_aNt ♥ - - 21
(Madison, Incalls starting at 6 am)
If your 60 or older today is for you come see me i have just what you need - 26
(Madison, west side madison)
👍💖💗❤💋⭐🎊 It MaY bE mOnDaY bUt LeT's MaKe iT oUr FUN-NIGHT❗❗❗ ALL NIGHT SPECIALS❗❗❗ 🎉💋❤💗💖👍 - 23
!$$ HOLIDAY SPECIALS,$$ Lovable, $100, Sweet, Compassionate, and Ready!! Outstanding Also 2 girls - 23
(Madison, Madison,wis Dells, surr areas in/out cal)
LDouble trouble👅👯 🐰😘 Whitney && Brittany 👅💋 $200 SpEcIaIallll - 22
(Scranton, wilkes barre/scranton)
$100 Outcall specials 🍑 Call Me Diamond 😘 Let me shine my light 💦 😜 - 21
(Madison, Madison ( Outcalls Only ))
Come experience the caterpillar ~ Unforgettable pleasure guaranteed! - 36
(Columbus, My little pleasure palace-North Columbus)
♥♥♥ WELL REVIEWED ♥♥♥ Japanese Black Mixed Doll in Springfield!!! - 23
(Northern Virginia, Springfield Incalls♡~♡Reviews 221605)
STOP $4O SpcL €ßøNy HøTTi€ WiTh & ß@NgiNG ßøDy»★ŸES★I LØV€ WH@T Ï Dø & IM GøØd At IT TOØ★ - 21
(Greensboro, ★HiGH PO!NT RD AREA iNCALLS & OUTS★)
StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*:((NeW In ToWn)):*: No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*:Specials - 19
(Greensboro IN/OUT)
[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💋❤💋 [[1000% ME ]]💋❤💋[[ New In Town]] 💋💗💋 [[AvAiLaBLe NoW]] - 22
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge/Discrete Incalls)
~~~~~~~~ DON'T MISS OUT! Real Pix! New Asian Girls in Town! OUTCALL ONLY! 571-524-1073 ~~~~~~~~~ - 23
Cold Outside I Have What U Need To Warm U Up Caramel Hot CoCo!!!! TOTAL . - 24
(Columbus OH, Surrounding Areas)
***Take some time off and relax with my SeXy RiCh CHOCOLATE DELIGHT tonight! *** - 20
(Denver, denver/cherry creek)
##### Sweety Ella ##### Japanese Friendly & Opoe-minded ~~~~~~ PHONE 303-325-7597 ~~~` - 23
(City of Denver, Denver, Outcall Only)
Shoshana (NEW) Classy _Real _Blonde_ Petite Companion¤°Here for your Special Care°¤° - 22
(Greensboro, outcall. untill. further. notice)
💎 🍭☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💎Upscαℓε💎SWEET & DISCREET 💎 🍭☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨100In&Out; SPECIAL 🎀💎 - 24
(Greensboro, Greensboro In&Outcall......; Upscale)
😘💜😍 Sexi Latina Mix New To The Area. Ready to make all your fantasy's come true. 🍒🍍🍒 - 32
* * Hot NEw BLONDE in Town!!!! Have a LOOK!!!! All American Girl!! - 24
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge Incalls Only)
Damn Right Good and Satisfying Petite or Thick Choose Your Pick!!!! - 23
(Greensboro, Greensboro, NC)
* CoMe **** PuLl My ** DrEaD 's ***5-S-t-A-r **** BEAUTY **AwAiTs U !!! - 27
(Burlington greensboro & surrounding area)
◤★◢ COME & GET___ ◤★◢ _---_WHAT YOU'VE___ ◤★◢ _---_BEEN MiSSiNG! ◤★◢ - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro, HP, WS Incall/Out)
Dominican100% Real 50qv 100 hh 180 hour $$ Papi im waiting... Latin princess Dominican Available - 23
(Greensboro, high point rd Greensboro)