Mon 27 Jan
♛•❤ I'm BACK!!!•♛• ❤ ExOtIc √♛• ❤ #1 FreAK♛• ❤UlTiMaTe PROVIDER! √ • ♛•❤ - 24
(College Station, Bryan/ College Station)
Warning: Warning: Danger These Girls Are Under Age Beware In The Back Bay Area
Start the New Year Early with "Sexy Candy" Available NOW…… 50$ - 28
(Norfolk, Norfolk Incalls/Outcalls)
Back By Popular DEMAND ! Miani Nicole ! The Nastiest And Kinkiest B!tch Ever !! I will F*ck you !
(Norfolk Area..)
✋ New!! ALL AMERICAN HOTTIE ➡ EXPLODE 💦💦 Perfect Playground 💦💦Ready 2 PLAY 💕 100% satisfying 💋 - 24
(Boston/Camb/Brook, ➡➡ WHEREVER U WANT ME 🚗 OUTCALL)
——-—K I N K Y *—•— SWEET —•— *E—B—O—N—Y* —-•-— BEAUTY —-•— —•— ALL NEW **INCALLS ONLY**! - 19
(Cleveland, Westside of cleveland)
im your little secret!! ;) xoxoxo all you sexy gentlemen want treated RIGHT, YOUR girl!
iM BaCk bY PoPuLAr DeMaNd... visiting INdEpEnDeNcE ~ A bEaUtIfUl BlOnDe BaRbIe ((150)) SpEcIaLs - 22
****DOUBLE TROUBLE**** take your pick ! ! ! - 21
(South Shore, Foxboro(incalls) Walpole, Dedham, Norwoo)
Come let me put a little sunshine n ur life $60 specials today only get it wile itz hot today only - 20
█▓█✿Blonde + Redhead ✿ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ █ ✿TWO FOR ONE~!!!✿ █▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ Slender Stunners ✿█▓█ - - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
Bisexual & Kinky Fun for Man or Three-Way! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, In town, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville)
☆5 ST☆R S€RViCE ▬▬▬★★ ▬Y♥U WILL L♥VE MY SKiLLS ▬▬▬ ★★ [×❤×] MESMERiZiNG [×❤×] BABE - 28
(Cleveland, =♥= [[ W€§T αirporT αr€α ]] =♥=)
100%Real NEW CUTIE! In town from FL! KILLER BODY! Arabian Blue Eyed Beach Bunny! XO - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland! in and outcalls!)
New pics real 45 Hot Sexy Cougar Specias 130 donation 405 482-4635 405 633-4351 24/7 incall 38C - 45
(Oklahoma City, se okc 1-240 and s i35 south area)
$125 spci@l CERTIFIED BomBsHeLL (((█))) BETTER -- T.H.A.N. (((█))) tHe ResT - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ mins frm 77n & 480e)
🌹🌹🐱HELLO KITTY🐱🌹🌹Best🐱 In Memphis tight and juicy just read my reviews💯 100% real pics👅💦💦💦 - 18
(East Memphis, Memphis)
NeW 《《OPEN MINDED 》》♥《《 CuTE __ BruneTTe 》》♥《《 SeXY __ BoDY == 100% ReaL PHoToS - 20
(Oklahoma City, Your Place or Mine!!!)
*_* L—E—T *_+_* M—E*_+_* C—A—T—E—R *_+_* T—O *_+_* Y—O—U—R *_+_* E—V—E—R—Y *_+_* N—E—E—D *_* - 19
(Tulsa, Tulsa & Surroundings)
### ### 100% Independent JaPanese - American HOTTIE ### ### LAST DAY !! #### very petite #### - 20
(in/out 247 Indepndencde)
Cashmere is in Jackson Tn!!!! GREAT SPECIALS! Dont cheat yourself! - 23
(Memphis, Jackson tn incall)
Ad TH E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ ♥ ♡•❣ - 24
(Memphis, Memphis airport)
Brand NeW *As¡aN BaRbiE*NOT SoLd in SToReS★Upscale Provider.•*¨¨*•- :¦: - 22
(Oklahoma City, your place or mine)
➓🌟➓🌟BEING B@D NεvεR lOOkED SO GOOD➓🌟➓ F@ce of A AngEl 🌟➓ SkiLLS👅of A STAR🌟 OUTCALLS ♛♛ - - 25
(Tulsa, Tulsa, & Surrounding Areas)
Amber ~ Outcall Special (No Extra Tips Required) ~~~~ 402-738-0990 - 25
(Tulsa, Tulsa Oklahoma and Surrounding areas)